MOONDROP Co. mit Sitz im Haixia Science and Technology Park, Wenjiang District, Chengdu, China, ist spezialisiert auf Design, F&E, Herstellung, Vertrieb und Service von elektroakustischen Produkten. Das 2015 gegründete Unternehmen hat sich zu kontinuierlicher Innovation und Fortschritt verpflichtet. Seine elektroakustische Marke MOONDROP ist zu einem Synonym für hervorragende Leistung und einzigartiges Design geworden. Die Produkte des Unternehmens werden in mehr als 30 Provinzen und Regionen in China sowie über Handelskanäle in Nordamerika, Europa und anderen Ländern verkauft. Die preisgekrönte Marke MOONDROP ist besonders in Südkorea, Japan und anderen asiatischen Regionen beliebt.

Technologie ist grundlegend

Seit der Gründung des Unternehmens ist dieser Grundsatz das Fundament und die Richtschnur für unsere Forschung und Entwicklung.

Neben der Verbesserung der Leistung elektroakustischer Wandler ist unser F&E-Team ständig bemüht, neue Wandler zu entwickeln, um Audioprodukte mit herausragender Leistung zu schaffen.

In den letzten Jahren haben wir nicht nur F&E-Kapazitäten für herkömmliche kabelgebundene Kopfhörer aufgebaut, sondern auch Design- und Entwicklungskapazitäten für elektrische elektroakustische Miniaturwandler, elektrostatische elektroakustische Wandler und hybride Ohrhörer mit mehreren Treibern und Balancearmatur.

Breche die Form und nutze die Gelegenheit

Um mit der zunehmenden Beliebtheit intelligenter Geräte Schritt zu halten, betreiben wir aktiv unsere eigene Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich der intelligenten Ohrhörer.

Unsere Serie von smarten Ohrhörern, traditionellen High-End-HiFi-Kopfhörern und preisgünstigen Ohrhörern für den Verbrauchermarkt hat MOONDROP neben erheblichen Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung zu einer branchenführenden Marke gemacht.

Technische Überlegenheit

Im Laufe mehrerer Jahre hat unser Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteam kontinuierlich Wissen und Fachkenntnisse auf dem internationalen elektroakustischen Gebiet erworben, wertvolle Erfahrungen durch Experimente gesammelt, ist der International Association of Audio Engineers beigetreten und hat an internationalen elektroakustischen Technologieseminaren teilgenommen.

Das Unternehmen hat eine hohe Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit bei der technischen Analyse von Leistungsparametern und Kennzahlen elektroakustischer Produkte und elektroakustischer Geräte erreicht. Weskillfully nutzt hochpräzise 3D-Drucker, die weltweit besten elektroakustischen Messgeräte und sorgfältige Software-Simulationen, um einen umfassenden Produkt-F&E-Prozess zu schaffen.


Moondrop Blessing 2
MOONDROP Blessing 2 In-Ear Headphones Impedance: 22 Ω @ 1kHz (± 15%) Unit configuration: 1DD & 4 BA each side Frequency response range: 9-37KHz (1 / 4-inch free-field microphone, -3dB) Treble unit: Knowles SWFK Midrange; Softears D-MID-A Bass: 10mm paper cone diaphragm coil Effective frequency response: 20-20KHZ (EC60318-4) Quality control range: ± 1dB @ 1kHz Sensitivity: 117dB / Vrms @ 1kHz Change connector: 0.78-2Pin THD: <1% @ 1KHz Shell technology: 3D printing of imported medical resin   Description: 1 DD + 4BA configuration •Hybrid three frequency division The physical band-pass and low-pass filtering of the sound duct structure relying on 3D printing to form a hybrid three-frequency structure, which is divided by the RC power frequency division. Dual Knowles’ SWFK high-frequency balanced armature unit is responsible for high-frequency. A pair of exclusive custom IF units are for mid-frequency (to achieve VDSF Target Frequency. Response) A 10mm dynamic coil unit of a paper cone composite diaphragm is for low-frequency. All for the transparent sounds with deep bass, middle pitch, and sweet treble. Scientifically effective and unpretentious configuration The configuration of 1 DD and 4BA efficiently utilizes the acoustic characteristics of dynamic and armature hybrid. Unlike the blind stacking together, Blessing2's configuration is simple, reasonable, and efficient. A custom full-frequency composite balanced armature is responsible for the mid-frequency, and it is used in the 500Hz-80004 frequency band that meets the VDSF Target Response in conjunction with the circuit and filtering conditions, which guarantees the quality and dynamic density. For the high-frequency, this earphone adopts the American Knowles SWFK with low distortion and excellent high-frequency bandwidth to match the mid-frequency sensitivity. With excellent low frequency response, quality index and hearing sense, 10mm diameter paper cone diaphragm dynamic coil unit is used for low-frequency, and its use efficiency at low frequency is much higher than any of them. 3D printed high-precision physical filtering sound duct structure The frequency division method for Blessing 2 includes physical band-pass filtering and low-pass filtering. Band-pass filtering is used to adjust the response range of the low frequency and mid-frequency, and low-pass filtering is used to limit the Q value of the mid-frequency and high -frequency. With complex structure, its design architecture is effective. To achieve the ideal index, the complex sound conduit structure requires thousands of experiments and modifications, and considerable accuracy Working with Master 3D Printing Supplier In order to accurately achieve the complex physical filtering internal structure of Blessing2 and avoid the acoustic structure error, an ultra-high-precision 3D printing process is needed. So we cooperate with the well-known 3D printing supplier "Heygears Technology" to apply its mature high-precision DLP-3D printing technology and use imported medical-grade UV resin to produce high precision, high transparency, high hardness, and accurate complex cavity. Precision CNC stainless steel cover Blessing2's cover is made of medical grade stainless steel, which is sliced by precision CNC, engraved with brushing process, and 3D printed transparent shells. All of this procedure constitute a work of art with rich industrial beauty. One side of Blessing 2 is laser engraved with the "Blessing2" logo, while the other retains the unpainted stainless steel brushed texture. The high adhesion of brushed stainless steel provides a chance for customer to DIY on it to show their unique personality Not only that, you can also be creative and do various things on it, such as laser carving You can even use it to sharpen your nails. Sweet treble, middle pitch, deep bass• Transparent and revive The advantage of the "physical filtering + RC filtering" hybrid three-frequency architecture lies in precisely controlling the response of each unit, so that each unit can play an ideal level in its operating frequency band, and then achieve the frequency response index in accordance with the VDSF Target Response For Blessing2, it presents the sound quality that can accurately restore the information contained in the recording.

Moondrop Blessing 3
Moondrop Blessing3 2DD + 4BA Hybrid In-Ear Monitors Six-Driver Advanced Hybrid Design. Powerful Sound with 2DD+4BA Driver Configuration. Accurate Three-Frequency Division. Horizontally-Opposed 2DD Module. 3D Printed High-Precision Acoustic Structure. Eye-Catching Stainless Steel Faceplates. Highly-Consistent Full-Band Response. Ergonomic & Comfortable Design. 3D Printed Medical-Grade Resin Ear Shells. Interchangeable Cable With Universal 0.78mm 2-pin connectors. Next-Generation From An Iconic SeriesBlessing series of hybrid IEM is one of the most successful series of in-ear monitors from Moondrop. The Blessing 3 is the 3rd generation of this successful series, implementing the research and development of many years in a precisely designed hybrid pair promising a top-quality sound experience for the listeners. Six Driver Advanced Hybrid Driver ConfigurationMoondrop has designed the latest Blessing 3 with an advanced six-driver hybrid configuration on each side. The pair houses a combination of two powerful dynamic driver units and four high-performance balanced armature driver units. The drivers are arranged together in a specially developed frequency crossover promising a pure sound with a balanced three-frequency response Specially-Developed Horizontally Opposed Dual Dynamic Driver moduleThe Blessing 3 continues the legacy of physical crossover design with its specially developed 3D-printed acoustic cavity structure. The dual dynamic drivers inside the cavity are placed in a horizontal manner parallel to each other. Moondrop has featured dual 10mm dynamic driver units on the Blessing 3 that together with its horizontal parallel implementation produces a strong lower-end response with less distortion. Precise Designed 3D Printed Acoustic CavitiesFollowing the footsteps of previous models, the latest Blessing 3 features specially designed 3D printed acoustic cavities. The shells are crafted using a high-precision process achieving a premium finish with an ergonomic shape that contributes to achieving a good fit for the users. Moondrop adopts high-quality skin-friendly Resin material to craft ergonomic and lightweight shells. The entire cavity is printed using 3D printing technology including the ear nozzle. Moondrop has cooperated with leading 3D printing suppliers for the Blessing 3. Stunning Finish With Stainless Steel Face CoversMoondrop Blessing 3 looks extraordinary with stunning stainless steel face covers. The pair has an eye-catchy design, matched with a comfortable fit, it hits the sweet spot in everyone’s collection.Technical SpecificationsImpedance: 14.8Ω±15%.Frequency Response: 10Hz-30kHz.Effective Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz.Sensitivity: 120dB/Vrms.THD: ≤0.5$%.Connectors: 0.78mm 2-pin connectors.Termination Plug: 3.5mm.

Moondrop Chu 2
Moondrop Chu II Dynamischer 10-mm-Hochleistungstreiber Membran aus einer Aluminium-Magnesium-Verbundlegierung Auswechselbare Akustikdüsen CNC-gefräste Akustikdüse aus Messing Verbesserter Klang mit dynamischem Treiber der neuen Generation Moondrop hat den in den ursprünglichen Chu IEMs verwendeten Treiber überarbeitet und den Chu II mit einer hochwertigen Aluminium-Magnesium-Verbundmembran und einer ultradünnen CCAW-Schwingspule ausgestattet. Diese Kombination, zusammen mit der hohen Steifigkeit und dem geringen Gewicht der Membran, sorgt für verbesserte Höhenerweiterungen und eine druckvollere Basswiedergabe. Der Moondrop Chu II setzt einen neuen Standard als erster preiswerter IEM mit einer AL-Mg-Verbundmembran. CNC-gefräste Messing-Akustikdüse mit auswechselbarem Endstück Der Chu II ist mit einer CNC-gefrästen Messingdüse ausgestattet, die zu einer hochpräzisen Klangwiedergabe mit einem schönen und vollen Ton beiträgt. Darüber hinaus ist der Filter am Mundstück der Düse austauschbar, so dass der Benutzer ihn bei Beschädigung oder Verstopfung einfach austauschen kann, was eine ununterbrochene Audioleistung gewährleistet. Professionelle Tuning-Einstellung Der Moondrop Chu II wurde von erfahrenen Akustikingenieuren und Audiophilen mit umfangreichen Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen in der Audiobranche sorgfältig abgestimmt. Es folgt dem VDSF-Zielverhalten, genau wie das OG-Modell, jedoch mit einer neueren und hochwertigeren Kalottenmembran, die im Vergleich zum Vorgängermodell eine verfeinerte und reichhaltigere Klangwiedergabe ermöglicht. Klarer Klang mit ultra-niedriger nichtlinearer Verzerrung Der Chu II bietet mit seiner klaren und detaillierten Klangwiedergabe ein umfassendes Hörerlebnis. Mit einer nichtlinearen Verzerrung im gesamten Frequenzbereich von weniger als 0,05 % sorgt der Chu II für eine qualitativ hochwertige Ausgabe mit einem satten Klang und einer außergewöhnlichen Trennung, so dass der Hörer jede Nuance und Feinheiten seiner Lieblingsmusik hören kann. A Abnehmbares Kabel Der Moondrop Chu II bietet dem Benutzer die Flexibilität, sein Hörerlebnis individuell zu gestalten, indem er den Austausch von Kabeln ermöglicht. Er verwendet standardmäßige 0,78-mm-Zweipol-Stecker, so dass Benutzer das mitgelieferte Kabel leicht durch ihre bevorzugten Upgrade-Kabel ersetzen oder sogar auf Bluetooth-Adapter für zusätzlichen Komfort umsteigen können. Diese Vielseitigkeit gewährleistet die Kompatibilität mit einer breiten Palette von Kabeloptionen ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, sein Setup nach seinen Wünschen zu gestalten.

Moondrop Dawn Pro
Moondrop Dawn Pro     Two CS43131 flagship DAC chips     100-level DAC volume control     131dB dynamic range for greater dynamic range     4Vrms/120mW lossless output power     Aluminium alloy enclosure for ideal heat dissipation Two CS43131 flagship DAC chipsDAWN PRO includes two flagship DAC and amplifier chips, the CS43131, designed by Cirrus Logic. In addition, a HiFi grade USB digital interface chip, two independent crystal oscillators and three discrete power supply chips are integrated. This combination forms a sophisticated hi-fi audio circuit architecture that is characterised by high efficiency and first-class performance. This carefully designed system ensures ample thrust, remarkably low distortion, minimal noise and a complex soundstage - all with minimal power consumption.Smooth 100-level DAC volume controlThis feature provides near-perfect 100-level volume control and significantly isolates the unit's volume control from the smartphone. This not only improves overall performance, but also provides a seamless and refined control experience.131dB and high dynamic rangeWith exceptional reduction of background noise to extremely low levels, the system ensures that your audio experience is not compromised by unwanted interference. In addition, distortion levels have been minimised to an astonishing 0.0001%, ensuring unparalleled sound purity. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) impresses with a value of over 116dB, underlining the system's exceptional ability to faithfully reproduce even the finest nuances of your sound world.4Vrms/120mW lossless output powerWith an impressive 4Vrms/120mW lossless output power, this feature provides robust and dynamic audio performance that can effortlessly drive a wide range of headphones. Its versatility spans multiple headphone types, ensuring seamless compatibility and optimal performance with each. Whether you're using high-impedance audiophile headphones or more sensitive in-ear monitors, this system easily adapts to the unique characteristics of each headphone model. This adaptability highlights its ability to deliver an exquisite sound experience tailored to your individual preferences and headphone choices.Enclosure made for ideal heat dissipationDAWN PRO's enclosure is made from aerospace-grade aluminium alloy, seamlessly integrated through a combination of CNC and moulding techniques. The anodised finish enhances both the feel and robustness of the enclosure, providing an exceptional blend of texture and durability.DAWN PRO's heat dissipation architecture is inspired by the design principles of high-fidelity desktop equipment. Strategically positioned vents, located above areas of high heat generation, optimise the system's cooling efficiency. This intelligent layout effectively improves heat dissipation and contributes to the overall thermal management of the unit, ensuring long and stable operation.SpecificationsWeight: 13gSize: 42mm*22.45mm*12.39mmHeadphone jack: 3.5mm and 4.4mmFrequency range: 5Hz-82kHz (1dB)Background noise: 4.4mm: 1.3μV (AES17 20kHz) 3.5mm: 1.5μV (AES17 20kHz)SNR: 4.4mm:131dB(A-wt) 3.5mm:123dB(A-wt)Line output: 4.4mm: 4Vrms 3.5mm: 2VrmsDynamic range: 4.4 mm: 132 dB (A-wt) THD+N ratio 0.00014% (AES17 20kHz, unloaded)Package contents: [DAWN PRO] Micro DAC/AMP, Type-C to Type-C adapter cable, Type-A to Type-C adapter

Moondrop Discdream 2
PORTABLE HIFI CD PLAYER Flagship chip from Cirrus Logic for 32-bit decoding USB desktop sound card function 3 NDKs Audio level crystal oscillator Ruby aluminium electrolytic capacitor automotive grade 3.5mm stereo headphone output 100-step volume control Modern, classic, portable design with contrasting colours The DISCDREAM 2 continues the classic clamshell design, ideal for portable devices. This design minimises the risk of damage when inserting discs, ensuring a long life on the move. With a modernist CMF (colour, material, finish) design, the exterior has an elegant, contemporary look. The surface is carefully lacquered after moulding to create a soft, pleasing texture that enhances the overall user experience. Professional audio CD player servo architecture A robust CD servo architecture plays a key role in delivering high quality audio for portable hi-fi CD players and the DISCDREAM series has been designed with this in mind: Motor drive: Carefully selected imported audio driver chips ensure stable and smooth speed for smooth playback. Optical assembly: Incorporates a professional CD laser head that provides reliable and accurate reading performance. Double shock absorption: A combination of an electronic data buffer and an elastically damping physical buffer reduces the effects of vibration and ensures uninterrupted CD playback. Professional Hi-Fi audio circuitry The heart of any digital music player is the audio decoding chip, and to achieve Hi-Fi sound, the best technology is required. The DISCDREAM 2 is equipped with Cirrus Logic's leading 32-bit Master Hi-Fi audio decoding chip, which outputs pure, high-quality analogue signals. Its independent Hi-Fi two-channel amplifier circuit provides sufficient power for the standard 3.5 mm headphone jack for a rich audio experience. The six linear voltage stabilisation chips provide independent power and ensure hardware precision and stability. 3.5mm stereo headphone output The DISCDREAM 2 is equipped with a 3.5mm stereo headphone output that delivers an undistorted output power of 2Vrms/124mW when connected to a 32Ω load, ensuring ultra-low distortion, a big boost and hi-fi sound quality. Thanks to this design, most in-ear headphones, earbuds and full-size headphones with lower power requirements can be driven effortlessly, providing users with an exceptional sound experience.Note: The undistorted output power is measured according to section 6.4 of the AES17 standard. The maximum output power before 3dB compression at 1% THD+N or 0 represents the maximum undistorted output power, whichever is reached first. This distinction emphasises the actual effective output power for users and differentiates it from the maximum output power. Versatile 3.5 mm multi-function interface In addition to its powerful single-ended headphone output, the DISCDREAM 2 is equipped with a 3.5 mm multi-function interface that supports both digital optical and analogue linear outputs. This versatile interface allows the connection of powered speakers or external amplifiers to drive lower power headphones via the analogue output. The digital optical output provides additional flexibility and enables the connection of DAC/AMPs, speaker systems and other devices, making the DISCDREAM 2 a comprehensive digital turntable. More than a portable CD player - a USB desktop sound card The DISCDREAM 2 Ultra is not only a portable hi-fi CD player, but also functions as a powerful USB desktop sound card. As a sound card, it supports PCM decoding up to 32Bits/384kHz and DSD256. It is easy to use under both Windows and Mac OS and requires no additional drivers for setup.

Moondrop LAN
Moondrop Lan     Dynamic 10 mm dual cavity driver     New generation dynamic large driver     High efficiency internal magnetic driver structure     Compact and lightweight cabinet design     Professionally tuned for excellent sound Newly developed large-format beryllium dome dynamic driver with composite diaphragmMoondrop has years of experience in developing high performance in-ear monitors with custom driver units. For the latest "LAN", Moondrop has developed a new generation of large-diaphragm, beryllium-coated, high-efficiency internal magnetic driver structure with internal brass acoustic cavity.MIM metallurgy-treated stainless steel shellsMoondrop has manufactured the ear cups of the latest "LAN" from high quality stainless steel. The MIM powder metallurgy process, in which the solid stainless steel shell is produced in a mould by high-temperature sintering, was used for the first time in this universal product and promises a high-grade texture and the best quality for the "LAN".Tailored to VDSF target behaviourMoondrop has developed the LAN based on its many years of knowledge and experience with high performance audio drivers. The frequency response of the pair is tuned to the VDSF target frequency response and ensures extremely low distortion in the output signal. The pair features excellent resolution and a natural, reference-quality sound that treats listeners to an open, lively and natural sound presentation. With its professional tuning, it complements a variety of musical genres and is the ideal choice for most audiophiles.Interchangeable cablesMoondrop LAN uses a universal 0.78 interchangeable cable that allows users to swap out cables, including the upgraded cable for monitoring, the cable with microphone for calls/games and the Bluetooth cable for outdoor listening.SpecificationsImpedance 32Ω±15%Frequency response 15-37KHzEffective frequency range 20Hz-20kHzSensitivity 120dB3.5mm connector0.78-2-pin

Moondrop May
MOONDROP MAY     Dynamic drivers + planar drivers     State-of-the-art hybrid configuration     Two-driver, two-way crossover UWBS combination     Top class acoustic hollow chamber design     Ultra-low non-linear distortion     Innovative tuning options     Medical resin housing and 3D printed structure     Wired USB-C connection     Interchangeable cable design Pioneering hybrid configurationMoondrop MAY sets a new standard in audio technology with its revolutionary dual-driver system. A dynamic driver using a sapphire full-frequency diaphragm is seamlessly combined with a ring-shaped planar magnetic high-frequency driver. The result is a powerful yet refined sound reproduction.Two driver two-way crossover UWBS combinationTested FEA acoustic optimization ensures that the MAY cone with sapphire evaporation and flexible suspension delivers a classic, beautiful timbre. The specially developed audio chip with powerful DSP ensures a balanced hi-fi sound quality and supports high-resolution PCM decoding with up to 32Bit/384kHz. Top class acoustic hollow chamber designThe Moondrop MAY's UWBS combination offers an ultra-wideband, low-distortion response rarely found in hi-fi products. The acoustic cavities contribute to the exceptional acoustic performance. Unlike conventional wired headphones, MAY utilizes a powerful DSP to precisely adjust sound quality, delivering a close match to the VDSF target response.Ultra-low non-linear distortion at full couplingMAY focuses on sonic detail with its ultra-low full-link nonlinear distortion system. The dual-unit configuration and fully balanced audio circuitry ensure full color restoration and provide an uncompromising listening experience.Innovative tuning possibilitiesDiscover the limitless tuning possibilities with the MOONDROP Link 2.0 app. Choose from five preset tunings, adjust parametric equalizers and download optimization configurations for different earphones. Share your own configurations or discover the configurations suggested by the MOONDROP community.Medical resin housing and 3D-printed structureMAY features a medical-grade resin housing and a high-precision 3D-printed structure that ensures universal comfort through its ergonomic design. Developed in collaboration with HeyGears Technology, a leader in medical 3D printing, the precise control of acoustic cavity parameters enhances the overall listening experience.USB-C connectionExperience a seamless connection with the Moondrop MAY's USB-C interface, which offers a driverless connection to smartphones, tablets and computers. Say goodbye to annoying latency and loss of sound quality as MAY outperforms ordinary USB-C headphones. The exclusive interactive online DSP function further enhances your listening experience.Interchangeable cable designMAY adapts to your needs with a universal, interchangeable 0.78 mm cable. Switch cables or use Bluetooth neckbands and TWS ear hooks for different usage scenarios, offering unparalleled customization.SpecificationsModel: MOONDROP-MAY USB-C Online Interactive DSP DD +Planar Hybrid Dual DriversFully balanced HiFi in-ear monitors with interchangeable cableDriver: Dynamic driver with 10 mm sapphire diaphragm and magnetic 6 mm ring driver with planar diaphragmImpedance: 30Ω±15%(@1kHz)Sensitivity: 120dB/Vrms(@1kHz)Distortion factor: THD@1kHz≤0.05%Frequency response: 7Hz-39kHzEffective frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz (IEC60318-4,3dB)Headphone jack: 0.78-2pinCable connector: USB-CNozzle size: 7mm

Moondrop Moonriver 2Ti
Mobile DAC/AMPDual CS43198 flagship decoding chip Dual independent dual-channel amp chips 5pcs independent power chips 131dB dynamic range, as low as 0.0001% distortion 100-level smooth DAC volume control Support Up to 32bit/384kHz PCM Decoding & 512DSD Decoding CNC Carved Shell of TC4 Titanium Alloy 3.5 Single-ended & 4.4 Balanced   Portable artwork Moondrop's product design has always maintained its own style. Their product always balances the feeling of use and beauty of art. Moon River 2 Ti, with its TC4 titanium alloy and curved appearance, makes the light flow on its body like a river under the moon. Touching its metal casing is like touching cool river water at night.   Versatile and Compatible with Most Devices MoonRiver 2 Ti supports DSD up to 512 and PCM up to 32-BIT/768kHz. These make it compatible with devices other than smartphones, it can be well adapted to computers and laptops. It also has a 5PCS-independent power supply chip, which is definitely the icing on the cake for its decoding capabilities.   Two Plus Two, More Than Four Moondrop has equipped the Moon River 2 Ti with a dual CS43198 flagship decoder chip. The CS43198 offers superior system-level audio performance without shortening battery life. Moon River 2 Ti uses two CS43198s, which greatly improves its performance and longevity. Not only that, Moon Rive2 Ti is equipped with a Dual Amplifier 4-channel Output. It is capable of achieving a balanced output of 4Vms/250mW.   Portable but Not Simple The combination of 3.5 Single-ended and 4.4 Balanced makes Moon River 2 Ti possible to handle a wide range of devices. Interchangeable Type-C Port takes it to the next level of lightness. The Moon River 2 Ti weighs only 30g, but that doesn't mean its sound quality is that light as well. 131dB Dynamic Range Ultra-low Background Noise and Distortion 0.001% SNR exceeds 116dB, this all shows its excellent quality.     What`s in the box Micro DAC+AMP Type-C to Type-C adapter cable Type-A to Type-C adapter

Moondrop Quark2
Single driver in-ear headphones Type-C connector and microphone LCP Dome Composite Dynamic Driver diaphragm Universal USB-C interface, compatible with Windows, Android and iOS Refined high-level tuning Lossless wired transmission eliminates latency issues Perfect combination of acoustics and aesthetics Reliable industrial design Dual acoustic filter design Excellent sound isolation Convenient three-button online control High-quality microphone The original Quark In Ears revolutionised the entry-level IEM market with their ground-breaking design and excellent price-performance ratio. Three years later, the market has evolved dramatically. To meet the current demands and usage scenarios, MOONDROP has utilised its cutting-edge technology and hardware development capabilities to introduce the brand new Quark2. LCP Dome Composite Flexible Suspension Dynamic-Driver cone The Quark2 is characterised by a closed front cavity for increased reliability and excellent sound isolation. Using advanced finite element simulation software for multi-physical fields, MOONDROP has refined the acoustic structure and optimised a 7.8 mm dynamic driver specifically for this design. This configuration provides a wide soundstage and powerful bass that exceeds the typical limits of small drivers. The driver features an efficient N52 magnetic circuit and a lightweight CCAW drive coil for excellent energy conversion efficiency and response speed. The micro-dynamic driver with LCP dome and flexible suspension cone provides exceptional full-range reproduction and detail, backed by MOONDROP's experience in acoustic performance excellence. Universal USB-C interface Compatible with Windows, Android and iOS The Quark2's USB-C interface is based on the standard UAC 2.0 audio protocol and is compatible with Windows PCs, Macs, Android phones, iPhones, iPads and other devices with a standard USB-C port. Refined high-level tuning The Quark2 offers an extremely wide frequency response tuned to the VDSF target range. It has three preset tunings to suit different listening preferences. The high-level configuration ensures exceptional acoustic performance, with non-linear distortion kept below 0.05% thanks to the new audio SOC chip. Lossless wired transmission eliminates latency issues The wired connection is perfect for Hi-Res music, shooter or music games and ensures a seamless experience without latency. Perfect combination of acoustics and aesthetics Highly reliable industrial design The Quark2 is characterised by a new industrial design that emphasises simplicity and elegance and offers additional protection and anti-vibration measures for sensitive components. A dedicated channel ensures optimal acoustic transmission. Dual acoustic filter design The dual acoustic filter design, which uses different damping materials, effectively reduces the Q value of ultra-high frequencies, eliminating the sound burr that is common in entry-level hi-fi earphones while maintaining detailed sound reproduction. Excellent sound isolation The closed front design of the Quark2 provides excellent sound isolation and significantly reduces external noise. This allows the user to enjoy music at lower volumes and minimises the risk of hearing damage from prolonged listening at high volumes.Convenient three-button on-line control and high-quality pick-up microphone The Quark2 has a convenient three-button control for easy volume control, playback and call management. It also has an integrated high-definition microphone for clear voice communication during conference calls, gaming, live streaming and much more.

Moondrop Quarks
Moondrop QuarksThe affordable entry into the world of dynamic driversAvailable with or without headset function- Powerful dynamic composite driver with micro-diaphragms- Incredible frequency response unrivalled in this price range- Industrial design - The look and structural design is just like its name, so the Moondrop Quarks reveals its meticulous and compact size and shows off its inner workings- Patented anti-blocking sound damping + double damping structure - Unique design. Specifications:Frequency Response : 4Hz-43kHz(IEC61094, Free Field).Effective frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz(IEC60318-4, -3dB)Sensitivity: 116dB/Nrms (@1khz)Impedance: 16Ω+ 15% @1khz)THD: <1%@1kHzConfiguration: High performance 6mm micro-dynamic driver

Moondrop Spring-Tips
Moondrop Spring Tips Silicone Soft Earphone Ear-Tips for IEMs 3 Pairs Available in four sizes Compatible the nozzle diameter for 4.8mm-6.4mm Combination of Softness and Elasticity Medical-Grade Silica Gel Material Acoustic Waveguide Structure Moondrop has designed the nozzle in Spring Ear Tips with acoustic waveguide structure verified by FEA finite element simulation technology. This acoustic waveguide structure greatly reduces the resonance of mid-treble sound waves. We get a smoothened treble frequency response with lowered burr and sharp sounds making it more natural while maintaining high-res extensions. Radial Double Support Structure Moondrop Spring Tips ensures the surface of the tips fits perfectly into your ear canal. They have a radial double support structure to avoid the collapse of tips and prevent bass leakage to other frequencies. In short, the Moondrop Spring Tips provide you a comfortable fit with a natural sound performance. Greatly Reduces Treble Resonance Tested in multiple measurements of frequency response curve matched with earphones, Spring Tips are proven to greatly suppress the treble resonance peak. They actually help restore a natural timbre in the sound.

Moondrop SSR
Moodrop SSR - Super Spaceship Reference High resolution sound performance relies on reliable materials -Beryllium plated High rigidity/damping factor flexible Polyurethane diaphragm  -Ultra-lightweight CCAW low impedance coil -N52 external magnet circuit Frequency response matters Frequency responses for IEM don't decide everything, but it is important. To reproduce the timbre of original recording, it means flat bass response and mid-high response with respect to the diffuse sound HRTF* target. Based on canonized "Spaceship". SSR continues to offer an option in the mass-market price for faithful reproduction of timbre and soundstage. Silver-plated OFC removable cable -SSR uses standard 0. 78mm 2pin connectors with silver "thick plated" -OFC wires with transparent, highly elastic wrapping. This enables users to change from original to upgrade cable or Bluetooth cable to their liking for different user scenarios and more fun. Redesign Anti Clogging filter/damper Unlike some other IEMs on the market, MOONDROP implements acoustical damper and filter into one package in order to make precise control of frequency response. Its inner damper suffers some risk of contamination by vapor or earwax which causes volume imbalance. (lt's actually #1 cause of warranty isses.) To fix that we developed a new triple layer anti clogging fiIter /damper. It effectively reduces the risk of clogging issues that end with volume imbalance. All our products finished after April 2020 will come with this filter, our official store has them in stock already. Users suffering volume imbalance can purchase/replace filters on their own. Quality headphones that are Faithful to Recording In contrast to competitors in this price that unruly overstate bass, SSR remain faithful to the original recording, aiming for authentic pure sound with undecorated bass and reference treble. Specification Details: -Impedance:16ohm@l000Hz -Frequency Response: 20-20000HZ(EC60318-4)/20-40000Hz (% Inch Free field MIc) -THD:<=1% -Housing Material: Liquid Metal AIIoy Housing -Diaphragm: BeryIIium-Coated Dome+PU suspension Ring -Coil:0.035mm-CCAW(Daikoku) -Magnet: N52-High Density Magnetic Circuit -Acoustic Filter: Patented Anti-blocking Filter -Cable: Silver Plated 4N-Litz OFC -Connectors:0.78-2 pin

€39.90* €44.90* (11.14% saved)
Moondrop Starfield 2
Moondrop Starfield 2     10mm dynamic lithium magnesium alloy dome with composite cone     Electro-acoustic cutting-edge technology     CNC-machined cast alloy cabinet with iridescent paint finish and brass acoustic nozzles     Deeper and more powerful bass extension     Distortion in the entire frequency range below 0.05     High quality silver plated cable Fully balanced structureAn all-metal diaphragm combines high rigidity with low weight. The density of lithium is only 0.534 g/cm3 and that of magnesium only 1.74 g/cm3, both lower than that of beryllium (1.85 g/cm3). The innovative diaphragm is made of a lithium-magnesium alloy that provides the ultimate blend of stiffness and light weight, surpassing the performance of pure beryllium domes. In addition, the Li-Mg alloy has an exceptional damping coefficient that not only enhances the overall bandwidth and subtlety of reproduction, but also effectively mitigates unwanted resonance and increases the authenticity of treble reproduction.Electroacoustic technology at its bestUnleash the power of advanced electroacoustic technology. The MOONDROP brand has been developed on the basis of continuous improvements in electroacoustic technology and significant investment in research and development. MOONDROP's research and development team applies its accumulated scientific and technical know-how and experience to every stage of hardware development and testing, and the subjective tuning of the in-ear headphones is carried out by experienced audio experts. This coordinated internal teamwork optimises the introduction and application of new materials in MOONDROP products.CNC-machined cast alloy body with iridescent lacquer finish and brass acoustic nozzleStarfield 2 features an exquisite CNC-machined brass nozzle, gold-plated for enhanced precision and a full, melodic timbre. Experience the next level of comfort with the Starfield 2's innovative interchangeable acoustic filters. The removable tip on the front end of the brass nozzle allows you to quickly and easily change filters to refine your sound experience. Unlike traditional multi-layered filters, the streamlined design ensures effortless replacement and increased reliability. It also saves you the cost of potential clogging or damage. Inspired by the technology of the original Starfield, the Starfield 2 features a carefully CNC-machined cast alloy housing. This intricate cabinet is finished with an iridescent colour coating that reflects a mesmerising kaleidoscope of colours from different angles and in different lighting conditions, reminiscent of the enchanting beauty of a starry sky.Deeper and more powerful bass extensionDesigned by experienced acousticians, Moondrop Starfield 2 features an impeccable frequency response curve that is precisely tuned to the VDSF target frequency response. Its lithium magnesium alloy dome diaphragm provides a pristine, transparent and exceptionally accurate timbre. The Starfield 2 comes with a bass booster plug that can be inserted into the pressure relief groove to significantly boost sub-bass. For bass enthusiasts, the Starfield 2 bass booster offers a profound sub-bass enhancement that adds depth and power to your music, making every beat ring out with captivating fullness.Full-frequency distortion below 0.05 %Ultra-low non-linear distortion to reproduce the finest details. Enter a world of listening pleasure with Starfield 2, where cutting-edge technology and meticulous diaphragm manufacturing come together to deliver astonishing full-frequency non-linear distortion of less than 0.05%. MOONDROP VDSF Target Response is a target frequency response curve based on the HRTF (head-related transfer function) of B&K HATS under diffusion and the ideal room preference curve. The closer the frequency response curve measured under B&K HATS is to the target frequency response curve, the better the headphones can reproduce the soundstage in terms of frequency response.Silver-plated premium cableBoost your sound with our premium single-ended cable. Experience unparalleled sound quality with the Starfield 2's brand new silver-plated cable, carefully designed with a star-twisted structure to minimise signal interference. The custom colour matching complements the earphone housing and emphasises the star theme. In addition, the Starfield 2 features a universal, interchangeable 0.78mm cable that allows users to swap out the cable or use Bluetooth neckband/TWS earhooks for different usage scenarios.SpecificationsFrequency response 12Hz-24KHz(IEC61094,Free Field)Effective frequency response 20Hz-20KHz(IEC60318-4,-3dB)Sensitivity 122dB/Vrms(@1KHz)Impedance 15Ω+15%(@1KHz)Distortion factor ≤0.08%(@1KHz)Headphone jack 0.78-2pinPlug 3.5mm

Moondrop Stellaris
MOONDROP Moondrop Stellaris Outstanding 14.5mm Planar Driver In-Ear Monitor High-Precision Sub-Nanometer Driver Diaphragm Fully Symmetrical Magnetic Circuit Exquisite Starry Sky Theme Appearance Comfortable Liquid Silicone Ear Tips Excellent Performance 14.5mm Planar Driver MOONDROP decided to create a planar in-ear headphone with excellent performance and a cost-effective price tag. Among the many planar drivers on the market, MOONDROP selected an outstanding 14.5mm planar driver with excellent nonlinear distortion performance and consistency. The acoustic structure of the driver has been carefully modified, and by attaching an independent built-in acoustic cavity to accurately control the resonant frequency of the system, The performance is not only comparable to flagship dynamic driver earphones in terms of nonlinear distortion, but also has a frequency response performance that is highly consistent with the VDSF Target Response based on HRTF and optimized for listening characteristics. The result is more accurate sound reproduction with richer, more natural details. High-Precision Sub-Nanometer Driver Diaphragm The driver of the STELLARIS utilizes a sub-nanometer diaphragm with a thickness of 1um, whose high-precision, ultra-thin, uniformly stressed diaphragm structure can deliver lower split vibration and nonlinear distortion in the vibration process and generate a more transparent and melodious timbre with clearer details. a frequency response performance that is highly consistent with the VDSF Target Response based on HRTF and optimized for listening characteristics. Fully Symmetrical Magnetic Circuit The fully symmetrical magnetic circuit is composed of 7+7 N52H magnets, precisely arrayed during mold assembly, delivering lower harmonic distortion and higher magnetic circuit efficiency, and producing a maximum magnetic flux at the magnetic gap close to 1 Tesla, resulting in clearer sound quality. Exquisite Starry Sky Theme Appearance STELLARIS adopts the iridescent finish shell with the starry theme, which can reflect different colors under varying angles and light conditions. Comfortable Liquid Silicone Ear Tips STELLARIS comes with U.C. Ear-tips (Ultra Clear Tip), newly developed by Softears, which are made of high-permeability liquid silicone. Based on ergonomic design, they fit far more snuggly in the ear canal than ordinary silicone ear-tips, ensuring the lossless sound quality of bass under pressure, improved bass performance without any bleeding into the treble, and all-around improvement. Product name [STELLARIS] Planar IEMs Driver configuration 14.5mm Planar Driver Socket 0.78mm 2-pin Cable jack 3.5mm-stereo-ended Sensitivity 117dB/Vrms (@1kHz) Impedance 36Ω±15% (@1kHz) Frequency response 10Hz-50kHz Effective frequency response 20Hz-20kHz (IEC60318-4, 3dB)

Moondrop U-Bag
U-Bag CaseNice transport case for in-ear headphones or accessories
