Tago Studio T3-01 Ultimative Japanische Synergie Tago Studio Kopfhörer wurden in Kooperation zwischen den bekannten Recording Studio "Tago Studio" und dem etablierten Kopfhörerhersteller "Tokumi" entwickelt. Der eine weiß wie Musik klingen muss und man sie aufnimmt, der andere, wie man sie idealtypisch wiedergibt. Heutzutage hören die Menschen Musik hauptsächlich über Computer und Smartphones. Um den Reiz der Musik richtig wiederzugeben, ist die Qualität von Kopf- und Ohrhörern absolut entscheidend und darf nicht beeinträchtigt werden. Das Ziel von Tago Studio ist, die Musik im "Ist-Zustand" an die Hörer weiterzugeben. Tago Studio´s Ziel ist es, originelle "TAGO STUDIO"-Kopfhörer zu schaffen, indem man die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche von Top-End-Aufnahme-Ingenieuren und Künstlern sammelte. Diese Ambitionen führten dazu, dass Tago Studio "TOKUMI", einen Kopfhörerhersteller mit einer langen Geschichte, der in Takasaki-City, Gunma-Pref, ansässig ist, um zusammenarbeit bat. So nahm diese Erfolgsgeschichte ihren Lauf. Seit seiner Einführung im Jahr 2017 wurde der Tago Studio T3-01 von berühmten Musikern, Toningenieuren und vielen Musikfans verwendet. Darüber hinaus wurden spezielle Kooperationsmodelle mit führenden japanischen Künstlern realisiert.  Das Streben nach einem ultimativ natürlichen Klang Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass das Produkt in Aufnahmestudios von Klangexperten verwendet wird. Um die von Toningenieuren und Künstlern zusammengestellten Klänge nachzubilden, ist der ultimative natürliche Klang das, wonach sie suchen.Und die Ausdauer, die lange Stunden aushalten kann, sowie die Tragbarkeit, die für den Komfort des Benutzers entwickelt wurde.Beständigkeit durch die Verwendung von austauschbaren Teilen.Design und Struktur sowie Materialien wurden sorgfältig eins nach dem anderen ausgewählt, um alle Anforderungen der Klangschöpfer ohne Kompromisse zu erfüllen. Schöne Holztextur, schöner Nachhall. Die markanten Holzteile des Gehäuses sind aus japanischem Ahornholz gefertigt. Um das Massivholz optimal zu nutzen, vermittelt das Design den ursprünglichen Ausdruck und die natürliche Wärme des Ahorns. Ahorn ist ein Holz, das häufig für Musikinstrumente verwendet wird, und es bietet einen natürlichen, originalgetreuen Klang, was für den Monitorsound von Vorteil ist. Das Ergebnis ist ein beispiellos schönes Aussehen und eine wunderbare Akustik dank der handwerklichen Verarbeitung und der Liebe zum Detail bei den Materialien. Mit Seidenprotein beschichtete dynamische Treibereinheit In der Treibereinheit ist ein hochleistungsfähiger 40mm-Treiber eingebaut, der speziell für dieses Produkt entwickelt wurde. Für die Vibrationsplatten wurde eine Seidenproteinbeschichtung verwendet, die das Ergebnis einer gemeinsamen Forschung mit dem Gunma Prefectural Textile Industrial Lab ist. Diese Beschichtungstechnik wurde durch die Veredelung und Auflösung traditioneller Gunma-Seide ermöglicht, um sie an die vibrierenden Platten anzupassen, was ein hohes Maß an Fähigkeiten erfordert. Durch die Kombination traditioneller Materialien mit einer neuen Idee konnte eine natürliche, schöne und flexible Klangqualität erzielt werden. ・Über die individuellen Gehäuseunterschiede. Das Gehäuse des Tago Studio T3-01" ist aus massivem Ahornholz geschnitzt, und die Maserung und Farbe jedes einzelnen Holzstücks ist unterschiedlich.

Tago Studio T3-02Ultimate Japanese SynergyTago Studio headphones were developed in cooperation between the well-known recording studio "Tago Studio" and the established headphone manufacturer "Tokumi". One knows how music should sound and how to record it, the other how to reproduce it ideally.Nowadays, people listen to music mainly via computers and smartphones. In order to reproduce the appeal of music properly, the quality of headphones and earphones is absolutely crucial and must not be compromised. Tago Studio's goal is to deliver music to listeners in its "as-is" state. Tago Studio's goal is to create original "TAGO STUDIO" headphones by gathering the needs and desires of top-end recording engineers and artists. These ambitions led Tago Studio to ask "TOKUMI", a headphone manufacturer with a long history based in Takasaki-City, Gunma-Pref, to collaborate. This is how this success story took its course.Natural sound also with in-earsIn spring 2017, our "T3-01" headphones, designed and released with the aim of achieving "ultimate natural sound" unique to "TAGO STUDIO", were supported by many and managed to build a good reputation.Our next mission was to realise the natural sound of "T3-01" with much more portable channel earphones. "T3-01" was adopted to be used in studios, but "T3-02" is adopted to be used outdoors. The environment is not always quiet, and we also have to consider the sound leakage factor, so high performance in sound attenuation was a very important element for us.We continued to search for the most suitable sound for the outdoor environment in terms of structure, design and tuning.We searched and searched without compromise for "ultimate natural sound that is portable."Box-in-box architectureThe soundproofing requirements in a recording studio are extremely high - it must keep out all noise inside the studio and also cancel out all kinds of noise from outside to ensure absolute silence. Professional recording studios such as "TAGO STUDIO TAKASAKI" usually have what is called a "BOX-IN-BOX structure", a kind of floating soundproof architecture where one room floats inside another room. With the "T3-02", we applied this "BOX-IN-BOX structure" to the design of the headphone, and managed to drastically improve the soundproofing capacity by creating another headphone (core) within a headphone.TechnicalDriver: dynamic 10mmWeight: 19,8g (excluding cables)Type: dynamic closedOutput sound pressure level: 112 dB SPL/mWCable: approx. 1.8 m(MMCX)Connector: 3.5 mm gold platedFrequency range: 20Hz~20kHzMaximum input power: 200mWImpedance: 32OhmScope of deliverySilicone eartips in sizes S, M, L (L is already attached)CaseInstructions

Tago Studio T3-03Ultimate Japanese SynergyTago Studio headphones were developed in cooperation between the well-known recording studio "Tago Studio" and the established headphone manufacturer "Tokumi". One knows how music should sound and how to record it, the other how to reproduce it ideally.Nowadays, people listen to music mainly via computers and smartphones. In order to reproduce the appeal of music properly, the quality of headphones and earphones is absolutely crucial and must not be compromised. Tago Studio's goal is to deliver music to listeners in its "as-is" state. Tago Studio's goal is to create original "TAGO STUDIO" headphones by gathering the needs and desires of top-end recording engineers and artists. These ambitions led Tago Studio to ask "TOKUMI", a headphone manufacturer with a long history based in Takasaki-City, Gunma-Pref, to collaborate. This is how this success story took its course."Closer, more intense." Monitor headphones that have inherited the DNA of the T3-01.The TAGO STUDIO T3-03 is based on the ultimate natural sound of the T3-01, with closer placement of the sounds increasing the density of each sound, resulting in a more intense and dynamic sound. In addition, the design and materials have been revised to reduce the burden on the musician, resulting in a lightweight and slim design. In addition, portability has been improved with the addition of a foldable structure (swivel joint).SpecificationsDriver: 40mmConcept: ClosedSound pressure: 102 dB SPL/mWFrequency range: 20Hz-20kHzMaximum input power: 1000mWImpedance: 70 OhmWeight: about 260 gramsScope of delivery3m cable with adapter from 3.5mm to 6.35mm1,2m cableCaseManual  

TAGO STUDIO T3-03 Gaming Edition
Tago Studio T3-03 Gaming EditionUltimate Japanese SynergyTago Studio headphones were developed in cooperation between the well-known recording studio "Tago Studio" and the established headphone manufacturer "Tokumi". One knows how music should sound and how to record it, the other how to reproduce it ideally.Nowadays, people listen to music mainly via computers and smartphones. In order to reproduce the appeal of music properly, the quality of headphones and earphones is absolutely crucial and must not be compromised. Tago Studio's goal is to deliver music to listeners in its "as-is" state. Tago Studio's goal is to create original "TAGO STUDIO" headphones by gathering the needs and desires of top-end recording engineers and artists. These ambitions led Tago Studio to ask "TOKUMI", a headphone manufacturer with a long history based in Takasaki-City, Gunma-Pref, to collaborate. This is how this success story took its course.Studio quality microphone - The "best monitor headphones" become the "best gaming headphones".The TAGO STUDIO T3-03 (GAMING) is a special gaming package that includes the T3-03 in white and the T3-PM01 cable with microphone. We focused on the similarities between the sound requirements of music production and gaming and thought that the elements of the best monitor headphones and the strongest gaming headphones, such as sound separation and resolution, were one. For the microphone, we collaborated with Primo Corporation, a pioneer in the field of microphones, to create a studio-quality boom microphone without compromise.SpecificationsDriver: 40mm dynamicConcept: closedSound pressure: 102dB SPL/mWFrequency response: 20Hz - 20kHzMaximum input power: 1000mWImpedance: 70 OhmWeight: Approximately 260 grams (without cable)MicrophoneElectret condenser microphoneOrientation: UnidirectionalSensitivity: -38dB (0dB = 1V/PA)Frequency range: 50Hz-20kHzScope of deliveryT3-PM01 (cable with mic) 1.2mCable for audio operation 1,2mCaseManual

€222.00* €299.00* (25.75% saved)
Standard headphone cable for T3-01 3.5mm Screwed 3-pole plugCable length 1.8m

Headphone cable for T3-01 Balanced 4.4mm connector plug Cable length 1.2m

One set Standard ear pads for T3-01 There is a possibility that the sound quality will change due to the deterioration of the ear pads.TAGOSTUDIO recommends that you replace your ear pads regularly for the ultimate natural sound.

Standard headband for T3-01
