FATfreq Maestro Mini
Fatfreq Maestro MiniDEEPEST BASS IN THE WORLD The sub-bass IEM by which all audiophile bass head IEMs are measured. The unique design of the FatFreq Maestro Mini ensures a concentrated bass response in the sub-bass range, without unwanted dips in the mid-range frequencies. As a result, it has earned its place as the benchmark for audiophile bass enthusiasts looking for uncompromising sub-bass performance. The Maestro Mini is considered the gold standard of bass-emphasised IEMs and continues to exceed expectations. Immerse yourself in the depth and clarity of bass like never before with the Maestro Mini - a FATfreq innovation designed and perfected for pure bass performance. 3D-printed sound channels and a proprietary bass chamber tuned for perfect control. Updated version Built-in grille to protect against cerumen Recessed 2-pin sockets FATfreq customised bass chamber The carefully engineered chamber uses state-of-the-art acoustics to amplify low-frequency vibrations, setting the standard for deep, engaging bass reproduction. TECHNOLOGY Developed by FATfreq in Singapore BASS CANNON (patent pending) Through the use of proprietary dynamic woofers, bass chambers and acoustic damping networks, FATfreq has been able to develop the deepest bass ever recorded at over 30dB, expertly controlled below 200Hz without bleeding into the midrange, an innovation developed and perfected by FATfreq for pure bass performance. LINEAR IMPEDANCE FATfreq uses proprietary circuitry to correct the non-linear impedances of multi-driver systems. The different output impedances of all your devices result in a different frequency response. This technology ensures a consistent frequency response for all our IEMs when connected to any device - be it a mic pack, a mixing console, a telephone or a dedicated DAP. SONAR LA TROMPA Inspired by the anatomy of the traditional French horn, FATfreq utilises the exponential curvature of the horn to control gain and enhance the tonality of highs through the acoustics. This gives you smooth, natural-sounding highs that are grounded by a beautiful timbre in the mid and low frequencies. As its housing is very small, the FATfreq can be worn for hours without feeling them. The in-ear monitors from FATfreq are for fans of deep bass reproduction, for music genres such as hip-hop, rap, R&B, EDM, electronic music, even for films and gaming, this is a companion that will put a grin on your face, not for the faint-hearted. Scope of delivery Fatbox Transport box High-quality 2-pin cable Silicone ear tips s/m/l Cleaning tool Specifications Configuration: Hybrid 2 BA + 1 DD (Basscannon Technology) Impedance: 38Ω Sensitivity: dB@1kHz Frequency range: 20Hz - 25kHz Crossover: 3-way crossover Connectors: 2-pin 0.78mm Cable: Black SPC Cable Connectors: 3.5mm

FATfreq Scarlet Mini
FATfreq Scarlet Mini SHEER POWER AND DETAIL Fidelity Experience raw, unadulterated power with the world's first 30dB sub-bass shelf expertly controlled below 200Hz. FATfreq's proprietary tube-less hyper high frequency system delivers stratospheric ultra high frequency extension and brilliance up to 40kHz. So you get the best of both worlds at an incredible price/performance ratio and outstanding ergonomics. BASS CANNON (patent pending) Using proprietary dynamic woofers, bass chambers and acoustic damping networks, FATfreq has been able to develop the deepest bass ever recorded at over 30 dB, expertly controlled below 200 Hz with no midrange leakage. An innovation developed and perfected by FATfreq for sheer bass performance. LINEAR IMPEDANCE FATfreq uses proprietary circuitry to correct the non-linear impedances of multi-driver systems. The different output impedances of all your devices will result in a different frequency response. This technology ensures a consistent frequency response for all FATfreq IEMs when connected to any device - be it a mic pack, a mixing console, a telephone or a dedicated DAP. SONAR LA TROMPA Inspired by the anatomy of the traditional French horn, FATfreq utilises exponential horn curvature to control gain and enhance treble tonality through acoustics. The result is smooth, natural sounding highs, grounded by a beautiful timbre in the mid and low frequencies. The Scarlet Mini uses a new and improved woofer that has been developed from scratch. And it also features a hyper-tweeter developed by FATfreq that can perform just as well as an electrostatic driver. In this way, FATfreq has created something more similar to the current flagship, the Grand Maestro, which is a tribrid (DD + BA + EST). The FATfreq Scalet Mini requires more power than most headphones. But it is easier to drive than the Maestro Mini because the improved DD and bass canon design in the Scarlet Mini is more efficient. Scope of delivery Fatbox Transport box High-quality 2-pin cable Silicone ear tips s/m/l Cleaning tool Specifications 1 Proprietary Dynamic Bass Driver with patented Basscannon Technology + 1 BA Mid Driver + 1 Hyper Tweeter Driver Connection: Recessed 2-pin socket Impedance: 38Ω Frequency response: 20Hz-*45kHz* Crossover: 3-way crossover

FATfreq x HBB - Deuce
In Ear KopfhörerDer Subbass-IEM mit dem goldenen Schnitt von Punch und Rumble FATfreqs Basscannon-Technologie der 2. Generation Akribisch abgestimmt mit dem Top-Reviewer HBB (Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews) FF Custom-Designed Dynamic Chamber3,5mm auf 3,5mm Impedanz Adapter im Lieferumfang enthalten FATfreqs Basskanonen-Technologie der 2. Generation Erleben Sie tiefe, fokussierte Power mit der 2. Generation der FATfreq Basscannon-Technologie: 25dB Subbass-Shelf, fachmännisch kontrolliert unter 150Hz. Das von FATfreq entwickelte röhrenlose System sorgt für ein phasengenaues, dreidimensionales Klangerlebnis und platziert Instrumente und Stimmen präzise in einer räumlichen Umgebung. Der Deuce zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Dynamik aus und fängt sowohl subtile als auch kraftvolle Momente mit Leichtigkeit ein. So erhalten Sie das Beste aus beiden Welten zu einem unübertroffenen Preis. Akribisch abgestimmt mit dem Top-Rezensenten HBB Über ein Jahr lang wurde der Deuce zusammen mit dem Top-Rezensenten HBB (Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews) sorgfältig abgestimmt, wobei er mehrere Iterationen der Abstimmung und des Designs durchlief. Jede Phase konzentrierte sich auf die Verfeinerung von Klangklarheit, Tiefe und Dynamik. Die umfangreiche Sammlung von Hip-Hop-, Rock- und Klassik-Tracks von HBB hat die Abstimmung des Deuce stark beeinflusst, und es wurde viel Aufwand betrieben, um sicherzustellen, dass er in diesen Genres hervorragend klingt. Das Ergebnis dieses Engagements ist ein IEM, das eine unvergleichliche Audioqualität und ein intensives Hörerlebnis bietet. FF Custom-Designed Dynamic Chamber FATfreq stellt ein neues Akustiksystem mit fortschrittlichen Netzwerken vor, die die Ausbreitung der Schallwellen sorgfältig steuern, um optimale Klarheit und Präzision zu gewährleisten. Speziell entwickelte Basskammern optimieren den Luftstrom, verbessern die Tonalität und vertiefen die Basswiedergabe.
